Thursday, July 26, 2007

These two photos were taken with Ilford 100 speed black & white film.

Another couple of examples of me trying to play with contrast and texture. Again, C-41 black & white film, 400 speed.

The photo with pumpkins was taken using the OM-1 and, I think, 400 speed film. The sunflower photo was taken using a Canon A540 Power Shot (point-and-shoot).

When I was in Peru in 2000, among other delicacies, I ate monkey. Though it was not very good, I was usually hungry enough, by virtue of the grueling days spent lugging supplies through a humid jungle, that I accepted it gladly and asked for seconds. I managed to retrieve the head of one of our unfortunate monkeys from the stew-pot one evening, and after cleaning it up a bit, bleached in in a little Clorox.

This photo was one of a series I took about a year and-a-half ago.


My purpose in creating this blog is to have a place to display some of my photos and artwork. I previously had an account with a photo hosting website, but that site has now gone off-line. This format will allow me to not only post pictures, but provide a brief explanation (or other ramble) of them as well.
